Is summer finally here???
The sun shone bright over the weekend, my intention was to work I have a que of new buttons waiting to be photographed and added to the website. Im afraid the pull of the garden was just too strong I also didn't have an active migraine so off I trotted with my trusty gloves and fork. I put a wildlife pond in the vegetable patch months ago but I hadn't been well enough to weed the patch around it and give it the attention it needed. So that was my ambition to sort the wild life pond. Bleu my trusty studio helper took his position in the garden chair and to it I went. What a beautiful weekend it feels like an age since I had mud under my nails and the sun on my back, I think we can all relate to the sun part. Over both days i managed to achieve what i had set out to do finish the pond area. Lots of native wild flower seeds have been sown in the rather large amount of mud surrounding one side of the pond which I'm hoping in a few weeks will be alive with colour and bugs. The other side has had little plants taken from the rest of the garden along with lots of rocks and fossils my daughter has given me over the years. I can't believe |I kept them all in fact plant pots were overflowing with 13 years worth of finds
. They look beautiful and interesting along one side of the pond. The highlight of the whole weekend though has to be our new arrival Mr Froggy Frog I must say i did a happy dance when i saw him poking out. What's the saying build it and they will come!
Didn't we all need that dose of vitamin D it was all getting a bit sad wasn't it all that rain.
Back in the office today though and inspired to photograph and add some new earrings to the website. I made some carvings of the herbs and flowers that surround my pottery shed, I have used these carvings to imprint the clay. I love how they have turned out. Clay makes beautiful jewellery people are always so shocked at just how lightweight it is.
Well there not going to photograph themselves so I best get to it, I hope you like the new earrings too!